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Saturday, 21 June 2008

Next HardKnock Wife..

I do a lot of flyer and poster design for people that others may not know about.. I just wanted to show you this because I think its dope. I love it when I impress myself, as the saying goes "You are your own worst enemy". To check out the line-up click here.


On Thursday I went down to YOYO in Notting Hill where my friend Rox was performing her second gig (with full band in toe) ever, and what a gig it was. This girl killed it.. I saw a lot of industry heads in the room and it was like a strobe light show with all the camera flashes going off, (I just got a tingle thinking about it..) so expect to see a lot more of her in the future. To check her stuff out click here.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Gullyver - Season Finale

Vice Kills @ Proud Galleries


It's Kish again.. he's built up quite a big female following ever since appearing in the Footlocker campaign..


The Presenters..

Martelo setting up..

A little appearance by the Ducks & Geese..

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Puma Instore For Adulthood Film Launch

Yesterday I went up to Carnaby Street to the Puma Store where the cast of Adulthood (the follow up of Kidulthood) were signing autographs for fans, and Kiss 100's DJ MK was spinning tunes in the window..

Adulthood CastMr Lawson & 'Poster Boy' Kish

Tuesday, 10 June 2008


House Party, London's leading illegal rave is no more.. to read why please click here.
Heres a few of my favourite House Party pictures for you to reminisce over...

People who have played at House Party include; Benga, Darkstar, Chef, Clue Kid, Cotti, Arorah, LD, Anti Social, D1, The Bug, Kode 9, Subeena, Dot, Oneman, Luke Envoy, Faggatronix, Prancehall, Joker, Unlikely, Jon Rust, Rusko, Slaughter Mob, Boomnoise, Scientist, Geeneus, Kromestar, Maxximus, Tubby, Plastician, Bruza, Badness.. + Many More..
These parties will be greatly missed, and unlucky if you never got to experience the House Party vibe.. all is not lost though as the organisers have big plans for the future.. watch this space!!