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Tuesday, 5 August 2008



for a while theres been some talk about who i am , but its not a big deal
i wanted to be unknown because i just want it to be all about the tunes.
over the last year the unknown thing become an issue so im not into it any more.
im a lowkey person and i just want to make some tunes, nothing else. my names will bevan, im from south london, im keeping my head down and just going to finish my next album, theres going to be a 12" maybe in the next few weeks too with 4 tunes. hope u like it, i'll try put a tune up later

sorry for any rubbish tunes i made in the past, ill make up for it

a big big thank you to anyone who ever supported me, liked my tunes or sent me messages, it means the world to me

big up everyone, take care, will ( burial )

so after a couple of years speculation and high recent media attention from The Sun and Mercury, Burial has decided to show everyone that no he's not Fatboy Slim, or Aphex Twin, or flippin Morissey.. He's Will, a bloke from south London who likes making tunes..

I'm glad he went for the initial 'mystery producer' status.. It definately worked to build some hype (probably counter to his plan) but at the end of the day the guys tunes are baaad. So hopefully he can get on with doing his next album in peace :)



sofi said...

damn that kinda sucks that it became an issue to "just make tunes"...his music is dope, he shouldn't of had to show his face off or whatever but hey...what a nice chap :)

Two-Pence said...

The fact that the sun compared him to Fatboy Slim is comedy!