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Sunday, 27 April 2008

Vice Goes Switzerland

So this Saturday we jetted off to Zurich, for VICE Germany's first ever party in Switzerland..

Terminal 5.. fly light and you'll be alright.

Essential reading..

England.. Switzerland.

Apparently this used to be the most popular holiday destination for junkies in Europe. Crack heads would flock from all over the world to get their mash on. This whole area used to be covered in all sorts of mess and police wouldn't dare enter. We heard one story about a man who climbed up one of the trees on the left in the Summer, gave himself an overdose of heroin and died. He wasn't found until the Autumn when all the leaves fell off the tree..

Had to try a Swiss Big Mac.. they were selling shrimp in Mac D's.. madness.

Smoking at a bar.. what a feeling.

The Vice gang took us and the other bands out for a slap up meal..

Roadblock on arrival.. have your invitations ready.

Eight Legs



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Free bar!!
Les Gillettes


Heart attack.. we only ordered a hamburger.

This somes up how we felt after the party..

Back to London..
For more pictures of what went down visit the Vice photo blog.

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