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Thursday, 24 July 2008

Pretty all City...

Next Thursday 31st Tan & Jimi are holding a party for everyone for the Launch of his brand "Pretty All City" @ Imperious Rex, LDN. Other than this being a great time for everyone to catch up, it's an exciting time to see yet another wicked young brand coming out. I'm blessed to be around such wonderful & inspirational young people doing seriously dope big up boys! Donuts have put in an order, so if you are located in Bristol..then you know where to cop it..if not you are invited to Imperious Rex to grab some, be quick tho, everyone will be there in mass attendance & you know this stuff don't stay about for long.


Matthew Schnickens said...

Haha, what about Jimi Crayon!?

sofidonuts said...

ive changed it now! ive never met this jimi crayon u see & always deal with Gillian (tan)