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Monday, 13 October 2008


I am mostly playing Countdown Conundrum

Catching Jokes at getting anagrams like:


(Can anyone get this one?)

And listening to Countdown Riddim Remix:

Then looking at the related videos and finding these gems..

Pingu Riddim

Noddy Riddim

^^I think Todd Edwards had a hand this one.

Nokia Beat (This 1s actually good)

Then all these got me thinking of Oxide & Neutrino - Casualty...

..which was good but..

Oxide & Neutrino - The Bill

Is where I'm at. Reminds me of being 14, cotchin in my room listening to Delight FM.. SO SOLID SUNDAYS YEH MAN

What happened to all the good pirate radio stations playing garage and stuff? I can hardly find any these days. I suppose there's been a takeover by internet stations, podcasts, on-demand radio, ipods and myspace which means pirate radio isn't needed as much anymore for discovering underground music. That makes me sad. I love pirate radio.. the interception i get from Classic FM when trying to pick up Rinse FM in South London is sometimes so sick you can hardly tell that its crossing over. I suppose internet stations are cheaper to run aswell, and it's legal.. but internet stations you can only pick up if, obviously, u have access to the internet.. where as with pirate radio all you have to do is switch on your radio.. but how many people these days have a radio, compared to how many have a computer? I dunno. I play on a pirate radio station, and the audience isn't huge. I get more people asking me for the MP3 recording of the show than people actually locked in at the time..

BIG UP THE PIRATES. Time to roll another one.


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